Only four MCAs re-elected to Busia third assembly

Busia third Assembly has suffered a huge blow with only four Members of the second assemby re-elected out of 35 who were elected to serve the electorate in 2017.

Hon James Ongole ( Angorom Ward) was the only ODM Member of the second County Assembly to be re-elected. Others re-elected included Gardy Obara Jakaa (Bukhayo North/Walatsi on MDG ticket).

Others were Patrick Omanyala (Malaba North on wiper ticket)and Beatrice Kanoti (Bwiri) on indepdent ticket. Voter apathy saw 31 MCAs rejected by the electorate.

Addressing the press after a thanksgiving Mass in appreciation of his victory at his Ang’orom residence, the MCA elect attributed his re-election to his faith to the electorate and for discharging his duties diligently.

“My second term will see me address teething challenges facing residents of my ward including increase in water access, repair of dilapidated roads and educaton bursary,” he said.

Hon Jakaa said seven MCAs including him were re-elected in 2017, noting that the number has dropped to four during this year’s election with fears that the number could decrease to two if members will not serve their electorate with zeal.

Mayenje MCA elect Richard Okelo Mudibo who beat incumbent, David Luyemba (Jubilee) by 2703 votes to 1400 attributed his victory to his bold move to recruit Okelo secure team and accept advise from clan elders, assist the vulnerable in availing education bursary, medical bill, electricity and water bills among others.

Meanwhile, ODM emerged the dominant party in the County Assembly of Busia after it won majority seats in last Tuesday’s general election.

ODM scooped 19 seats in 19 wards out of 35 across the conty to give it numererical strength to elect speaker and deputy speaker.

Those who made it on ODM ticket included Leonard Onyondo (Amukura East), Eunice Wandera ( Bukhayo East), Peter Tallam ( Bukhayo West), Denis Okinda ( Matayos South), Tony Onyango (Burumba) and Silvanus Alianda ( Bunyala North).

Others were Stephen Oyango Nasiagi (Bunyala South), Denzil Edung’lot Musumba ( Chakol South),Carlbenz Mapale (Bunyala West), John Omumi (Bunyala Central), Josephat Ogochi (Kingabdole), Alex Ayieko( Marachi East), Richard Okello Mudibo (Mayenje), Cumulus Obada (Agenga Nanguba), Harrison Makabwa (Nangina), Shadrack Masinde ( Marachi Central), Ronald Ochalu (Malaba Central ) and Josephat Wandera (Elugulu).

The third assembly will see only two female elecled MCAs compared to three in the second assembly. They are Eunice Wandera (Bukhayo East) and Beatrice Kanoti (Bwiri ) who was re-lected on and independent ticket.Those who failed to get second term included Grace Olita ( Angurai South) and Mwajuma Toloi (Nambale Township)

MDG was second on numerical strength with five MCAs apiece. Those who won for MDG are Gardy Jakaa ( Bukhayo North /Walatsi), Bonventure Makokha (Bukhayo Central ), Simon Maina (Marachi West), Zacchaeus Kubasu (Marachi North) and Bonface Ekada Mamai (Malaba South).

Those who won for DAP-K included Dalmas Onjole (Chakol North), Joseph Eseme ( Angurai South),Isaac Wamalwa ( Angurai North), Kenneth Rupia (Nambale Township). NRA has two MCAs including Paul Okello ( Amukura Central) and Haggai Wanda (Namboboto/

UDA, Independent, Wiper and Maendeleo Chap Chap parties got a seat each Bonface Ekaptenl) Amukura West, UDA), Patrick Omanyala (Malaba North, Wiper) and David Parapara, Angurai East, Maendeleo Chap Chap) clinching a seat each.

Photos: Hon James Ongole with family during thanksgivng mass.

  • Mayenje Ward MCA elect Richard Okelo Mudibo.
MG Team

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