Busia Governor elect meets County Assembly leaders ahead of swearing in

Busia Governor elect H. E Dr Paul Nyongesa Otuoma today held a meeting with the County Assembly leadership at Busia Agricultural Training Centre flanked by Deputy Governor, Arthur Odera.

Addressing the press after the meeting, Azimio County Coordinator County Assembly Speaker, Bernard Wamalwa said the Assumption of Office committee has been meeting to prepare for the Governor elect’s swearing in ceremony at the Busia County Stadium on Thursday, August 25th, 2022.

“The constitution and the Assumption of Office Act requires that when Governor elect comes into office, all departments, all key ministries and other arms of Government like the Assembly must meet to give the Governor and his deputy briefs on achievements,what they have done and challenges in fulfilment of the constitution,”he said.

Wamalwa said as the outgoing speaker of the County Government of Busia he cannot deny or accept that the first and second performed below or above expectations, giving the incoming team to judge them.

MG Team

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