Busia Governor Otuoma gazettes first Assembly meeting

Busia Governor, H.E, Dr Paul Nyongesa Otuoma has gazetted the first sitting of the County Assembly scheduled for Thursday, 22nd September 2022.

The convening of the first sitting of the County Assembly is in conformity with Sections 7A and 7B of the County Government Act 2012 which provides the necessary procedure for conducting the first sitting of the County Assembly.

Section 7B(1) states that whenever a new County Assembly is elected, the Governor by notice in the Kenya Gazette shall approve the place of sitting within the county as set out in the third schedule and the date of the first sitting of the new County Assembly, which shall not be more than 30 days from the date on which the County Assembly shall be fully constituted as provided for under Section 7A.

The swearing ceremony will be presided by Busia Chief Magistrate, Lucy Ambasi assisted by Busia Assembly Clerk, Allan Mabuka.

The first meeting of newly elected and nominated MCAs will see them take their oath of office during the first session. Additionally, the members will elect the speaker and Deputy Speaker who will run the affairs of the third assembly.

There are only two elected female MCAs in the third assembly.They are Eunice Wandera (Bukhayo East Ward, ODM) and Beatrice Kanoti ( Bwiri, Independent).

In order to meet the gender threshold, IEBC has nominated 16 women to bring the total number of women nominees to 18 compared to 33 men elected and two nominated including persons with disability.

The first task of the third assembly is to pass the supplementary budget which is crucial in unlocking the funds to restore the County Government’s normal operations.

MG Team

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