Governor Otuoma begins revamping Busia health sector

Patients at the Busia County Referral Hospital (BCRH) have lauded the Governor, H.E Dr. Paul Nyongesa Otuoma for his immediate response to ensure that they get adequate food.

Speaking to journalists at the BCRH, patients revealed that since H.E Otuoma visited the hospital major changes have been witnessed in terms of food being provided to them.

“Since I was admitted on the August 13th 2022 we had been subjected to suffering due to shortage of food. In most instances we survived on porridge which doubled up as lunch and supper. But can confirm that with the new Governor things have changed. We are offered breakfast (porridge and tea), lunch and supper,” said Collins Omondi, a patient at the facility.

“The food is properly prepared unlike before where it was inadequate and not well cooked. We thank Governor Paul Otuoma for the effort he has made to ensure that we get food,” said
Sharon Juliana.

Dr Otuoma who had earlier made an impromptu visit at the BCRH said that his administration is focused on offering solutions for the benefit of residents.

He promised to ensure that the facility is supplied with necessary equipment and commodities needed to facilitate efficient service delivery as captured in his manifesto.

The Governor added that he will enforce an audit of all stalled projects within the facility in a bid to fast track their completion which will foster improved access to good healthcare services.

The Chief Officer Health and Sanitation Department Jonathan Ino said that the new administration has moved with speed to address some of the immediate challenges within health facilities.

“We have procured food through the National Cereals and Produce Board that will take us through for a minimum of two months,” he said.

He added that: “We are in the process of paying the pending bill of Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (Kemsa) and thereafter we will be able to order drugs for the various facilities. We want to order drugs that will at least take us for three months.”

The Chief Officer further disclosed that other key critical units including the renal unit and the radiology are functional for the benefit of residents.

This in line with the promise he made to residents during his swearing in ceremony on 25th August 2022, that he will revamp the health department in the first 100 days.

“Within the first one hundred days of my administration, I shall mobilize resources to ensure that our hospitals have adequate drugs and non- pharmaceuticals,” stressed the Governor.

MG Team

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